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The Next "-Free"

Written by Caitlin Sherwood | Feb 24, 2018


First gluten-free, then grain-free (among a myriad of other diets). Now what? It seems we’re all a little tired of hearing about the “right diet” for us. And as decision fatigue takes hold, we’re seeing more and more people opt-in to a “label-free” lifestyle: not adhering to any list of rules, just eating healthily.

What Is Label-Free?

For many, a “label-free” diet means letting go of strict diets (i.e., Paleo, vegan, etc.) and focusing on just eating real, healthy food and eating intuitively. They may be motivated by decision fatigue, cost or personal reasons. On Instagram, we see users posting using #labelfreegan and opting to let go of previous diets -- especially those that have a history of following a more strict diet. Seeing a need for food without complicated stories or confusing labels, Brandless provides consumers with “brand-free” commodities online -- removing the stress of surveying aisles and aisles of name brands. (One Green Planet)

Going Mass Market

Condé Nast jumped on the “just healthy eating” trend early, launching their site Healthyish last year. Their goal was to create a community of people that agree with the sentiment “...we like knowing where our food comes from, what’s in it, and who made it. We care about how food makes us feel. But, also, we're not losing sleep over it. We’re not nutritionists. We don't count calories or fret about our cholesterol levels (the good or bad kind).” (Bon Appetit)

What This Means For Brands

While some consumers are looking for brands to stand behind, others are tired of making decisions and just want a good product. Even a beautiful package can not replace a quality product. Know your audience and what they are looking for and continue to learn about their pain points.


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